Leadership Communication for Women Business Owners

Communicate with Clarity

Find Your Voice, Find Your Confidence


Do you say yes to your team even when you’re already overwhelmed and want to say no?

Do you avoid confrontation at all costs, even if it creates more work for yourself?

Learn effective tricks and tips for communicating as an Woman entrepreneur

Save the date! February 17, 2022, from 12-2 pm EST to learn how to overcome your mental barriers to clear communication

Speak clearly and simply with easy to follow scripts for common leadership conversations

What if you could...

Communicate exactly what you want to say to everyone on your team?

Set limits and policies and stick to them?

Have a go-to script for keeping it short and sweet, prepared for any questions or pushback?


Leadership Communication for Women Business Owners

 You started a business! Congrats!
Now you need to be able to support yourself and your team with clear boundaries and policies.
Confused employees have a lower sense of loyalty and motivation, so clear communication is essential for running your business and avoiding burnout for both you and your team

Here's what you'll get:

  • Specific strategies and scripts for cutting out fluff from your conversations
  • A clear plan on how to approach conversations you avoid as a leader
  • A chance at a Hot Seat with Zoe Rapoport to edit your speech and challenge your communication mindset!
  • Identifying and challenging your mental barriers to effective communication
  • Exercises to hone your leadership mindset and speak with clarity and confidence
  • Support from a group of like-minded women who love to lead but hate confrontation!

Inside The Course

What is Leadership Communication?

Sometimes it's ok to take a backseat in the communication department, but not when you're the boss. Leadership communication sets the tone for your business and how your team can communicate with you as well. The clearer you are with them, the more comfortable they'll be communicating with you

Goals of Communication

Your goal of communication should be simple: get your point across to another person. When fear and doubt get in the way, the meaning gets easily confused and your point gets lost.

Common Mental Barriers to Effective Communication

There are certain common mental barriers that everyone struggles with, like a fear of upsetting others, fear of confrontation, or being judged. These mental barriers stop you from having the conversations you need to have as a business owner and badass boss woman!

How to change your communication style with daily habits

Change takes time and consistency. Daily habits are the most effective way to integrate a new way of thinking and communicating into your toolbox.

Why Clear Communication can save your business

When you can't communicate with your team, your business suffers. Your employees feel out of the loop when they don't know what to expect and you feel taken advantage of when you don't set clear policies and limits. 

How to set up your conversations for success

Learn how to plan difficult conversations for success using scripts, bullet points, editing and practice

get started today

You can learn to communicate like the amazing business owner you are!

In this virtual world, effective communication skills are more important than ever. Unfortunately, most of us are raised to be passive in our communication skills with our parents and peers This means that we aren’t taught the skills necessary to be assertive and clear when we need it most.  Your business needs you to communicate directly and clearly with your team and colleagues.

This course is absolutely for you if...

  • You know you avoid important conversations with your team and are ready to work hard to change that
  • You've been "meaning to" find guidance on improving your assertive communication skills, but somehow it keeps getting put off 
  • You're ready to change your mindset around communication as an essential part of leadership and success
  • You're ready to work hard at overcoming life-long ideas around passive communication and transform how you speak 

You may want to keep looking if...

  • You're not ready to dive in and break through patterns that keep you passive in your communication style
  • You're looking for a "quick fix" to overcome a lifetime of habitual communication styles
  • You want to keep avoiding confrontation despite knowing it's hurting your business and growth
  • You're not open to direct feedback on speech patterns and learning new ways to communicate

When your baseline communication style is passive, speaking assertively is going to feel uncomfortable and aggressive.

J. Zoe Rapoport, Ph.D.

I'm Zoe Rapoport

I've been a women's health psychologist for over 10 years and a business owner for over 5 years. I've had to learn new ways of communicating with clients, staff, colleagues, family, and friends. I've been "too passive", "too aggressive", and just right. I've learned that the best way to communicate with others involves knowing them as well as yourself and keeping it clear and simple.

 In my work and with peers  I continuously hear the same struggles over and over again. Women struggling to ask for the most basic of needs that they both deserve and are entitled to. Amazing women leaders struggling to set limits, policies, and boundaries with their team, partner, or even friends. Or, "how do I say no without hurting their feelings?"

I've created this program in response to a need I see everyday and to tell you how to move past these limiting beliefs. With your words, you can communicate that you have a boundary, need, or limit that is well within reason and more than deserved. HOWEVER, if you don't speak up, no one will ever know! This course was born from many years of encouraging and leading women to value their needs over appeasing others' imagined reactions. 

Become the leader you already are


Frequently Asked Questions

Since a replay will be available we do not have a cancellation policy at this time.

If you know you avoid important leadership conversations and are ready to break through mental barriers to assertive communication, this course is for you.

If you are unsatisfied with the program we offer a 30 day refund option!

Hurry! Enrollment is closing on February 10, 2022


Are you ready to take your business to the next level?


© Rapoport Psychological Services, PLLC 2021